Did you buy a lemon? A lemon is a vehicle that is flawed beyond repair due to manufacturing or design errors. Fortunately, Wisconsin and most other states have laws to protect consumers who purchase lemons. Here are three of the most important facts to know about Lemon Laws in Wisconsin.
Vehicles Must Meet Certain Requirements
Wisconsin Lemon Law requires vehicles to be new or leased and under warranty to be eligible for a claim. You also need to take your vehicle back to the dealer for repairs at least four times before it can be considered a lemon.
Out-of-state Purchases are Not Covered
Did you buy your vehicle in another state? Your out-of-state purchase isn’t covered under Wisconsin Lemon Law, but you can file a claim in the state where the vehicle was sold according to that state’s laws.
There is a Statute of Limitations
Claims must be filed within 36 months of purchase under Wisconsin Lemon Law. The manufacturer has 30 days to respond to your claim. You can choose a refund or replacement if your claim is successful or pursue further action in court if your claim is rejected.
Do you have a defective vehicle, boat, motor home, computer or consumer product? Lemon Law America is a premier Lemon Law resource with affiliated attorneys who have helped thousands of frustrated lemon owners get the compensation they deserve. Visit their website to find out how they can help.