Types of Damages to Claim From Nursing Home Neglect

by | Sep 30, 2016 | Personal Injury Lawyer

As men and women age, independence often begins to fade. It can be harder to get around the house. It can be tough to take care of a property alone. When this happens, one of the options for the elderly is a nursing home. Here residents receive a place to live requiring minimal to no upkeep and medical attention when necessary. But when a family trusts this institution with their loved ones, it can be heartbreaking to find that Nursing Home Neglect has taken place. With the help of legal representation, families have an opportunity to fight back and seek damages from the company liable for the neglect. Here are some types of damages that family members can pursue.


The elderly are usually in a nursing home because they need help meeting their own physical needs. If residents need help but no one is available, it can lead to serious medical concerns. Any type of physical pain or physical distress that a person suffered because of neglect from doctors or staff can be brought up in court and damages can be assessed.


There are always consequences to physical neglect. In the elderly, the result is usually the need for more medical attention. On top of everything else, this is another cost that the family must bear in order to have their loved one taken care of. When a family is suing for Nursing Home Neglect, if physical problems lead to the necessity for medical treatment, a settlement can include any of those costs.


One of the hardest things to gauge is the amount of mental trauma that a nursing home resident was put through. Being neglected is tough for anyone. But being elderly and having limited options when it comes to living arrangements can make the situation scary. If the nursing home is found to be liable, it could be required to pay damages to the family for the mental anguish their loved one suffered.

If you have a loved one in a nursing home and suspect neglect or abuse, contact The Law Offices of Elan Wurtzel right away.

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