Reasons to Seek Counsel from an Injury Attorney in Live Oak

by | Nov 30, 2016 | Lawyers

Hiring an injury attorney in Live Oak who can offer a range of services is a must for any person that was in a car accident. It is of great value to find a lawyer who can handle a variety of details pertaining to each case and can provide a variety of legal services. When a lawyer can work out most details of a case, people can focus on other things like their medical treatment or their family. It is known that Florida is one of the states with the most pedestrian accidents with almost 700 pedestrian deaths in 2015 alone, not including those peo injured in other accidents statewide. These statistics make Florida one of the deadliest states for pedestrians in the nation.

The risk of dying in a car accident in Florida is 1 in 8,125 and the risk of being in a car crash that ends in a fatality is 1 in 3,974. Compared to the safest state (Washington DC) where the risk of dying in an automobile accident is 1 in 32,332, and the risk of being involved in a fatal accident is 1 in 14,253, experts say that people driving in Florida must be alert constantly. There are many things that contribute to the high risk of accidents in North Florida. For example, a large population of inhabitants and crowded streets make driving more dangerous. Even the weather contributes to the problem. Hiring an injury attorney in Live Oak after a collision is a must.

During the summer, which is tourist season and when more children are out-and-about, incidents increase. Good weather means more pedestrians, bicycles, and motorcyclists on the roads, thus increasing traffic flow and potentially creating a risk of serious accidents. During the summer months, there are more events happening throughout the North Florida region. More events, more festivals, fairs and special holidays, which means an increase in traffic. You should consider this problem by checking the latest traffic reports before heading out to your event and be aware of the events in your community so you can predict when there may be heavier traffic. To learn more, visit today.

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