Injured by a Texting Driver? Call a Car Accident Attorney in Warrenton, VA

by | Mar 21, 2017 | Lawyers and Law Firms

On a scale of one to ten, most people rate their driving skills as above average, usually at about a seven. Interesting enough, however, in a New York University study, people also said others wouldn’t rate them as high. They were probably right.

Texting and Driving – A Dangerous Distraction

There was no definition of a “good driver” in the study. Everyone went by their own interpretation of what constituted good driving skills. Some of the people in the study actually said their ability to text while driving meant they were superior drivers. They couldn’t be more wrong. It’s possible that just about every car accident attorney in Warrenton VA has talked to someone who was injured by a texting driver.

You may be thinking it takes only a few seconds to read a short text. It could be very important. After all, not much can happen in just a few seconds.

The Facts on Texting

The U.S. Dept. of Transportation did some research and found that the average amount of time a driver would take their eyes from the road to read a text was 4.6 seconds. That’s not very long at all.

* Assume you’re driving 55 mph. In five seconds you would travel 403 ft.-;the length of a 360 ft. football field plus 43 ft.

* If you were only driving 20 mph, you would travel about half the length of a football field while reading the text

Texting while driving has been compared to driving blindfolded in traffic. It’s that dangerous.

Virginia’s Texting Law

Virginia recognizes the dangers of texting and driving. All drivers are absolutely banned from texting. If the police suspect you are texting, they can pull you over. There is a fine of $125 for the first texting offense and $250 each time thereafter. Any driver under 18 is not allowed to use a cell phone or similar device in any way while driving.

Texting is not the only distraction that can take a driver’s attention from the road. Distractions of all types are the leading causes of automobile crashes.

If you’ve been injured because the other driver wasn’t paying attention, get help from an experienced Car Accident Attorney in Warrenton VA. They will use a targeted approach to protect your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve. Click here to contact an attorney to review your case.

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