If a person is hurt in some sort of accident through no fault of his or her own, the best thing to do is to consult with a personal injury lawyer. The lawyer can advise the client on what options are available, if any, and recommend how the client should advance from that point. A Personal Injury Attorney in Murfreesboro TN represents clients who have been hurt in an accident to get in the best position to be awarded damages from the accident. Here are some things the clients should know, however, as they proceed.
The Personal Injury Lawsuit Process
There is a statute of limitations involved in every civil suit that is brought before a court, and in Tennessee, a client has one year from the date of the accident and injury to file such a lawsuit. If the lawsuit falls outside that window of opportunity, the client will lose his chance to have the case heard in most cases. The client will also lose the opportunity to be awarded any damages that occurred because of the accident. It would be tragic for the client to lose sight of the deadline.
More on the Personal Injury Lawsuit Process
There are cases where the attorneys for the other side may try to prove that the plaintiff was partly responsible for the accident that occurred to him or her. In Tennessee, this is known as the “modified comparative fault” rule and states that any percentage the plaintiff is found responsible for the accident will be reduced from any damages awarded. However, if the percentage of fault is 50 percent or more, the plaintiff will not be awarded any damages.
Who Is Able to Help in Murfreesboro, Tennessee
The Law Office of Gritton & Gritton PLLC is available to help clients get damages awarded for their personal injury lawsuit in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. The types of personal injury lawsuits that are filed include commercial truck accidents, medical malpractice, wrongful death, and premise liability. If an individual is in need of consultation with a Personal Injury Attorney in Murfreesboro TN, the law office is available. Visit the Site for more information.