About Chicago Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in No-Helmet Injury Cases

by | Dec 1, 2023 | Legal Services

Nearly all states have laws requiring certain motorcycle riders to wear helmets. Some states require this for everyone, while others only mandate it for younger riders or those who have not completed an approved safety course. Illinois does not require anyone to wear a helmet while on a motorcycle. Nevertheless, hiring a motorcycle accident attorney in Chicago may be necessary if someone suffers a head injury without adequate protection.

Possible Excluded Expenses

When another driver causes a collision, that individual’s automotive insurer should pay for property damage, lost wages, and medical expenses. However, the insurance company may attempt to limit the payment amount by excluding any expenses connected with a head injury.

Lower Settlement Offers

The insurer may be willing to pay medical expenses for other bodily harm. Common injuries that occur in these accidents include serious skin damage and bone fractures. The initial settlement offer might include a certain percentage of payment for lost wages. A motorcycle accident attorney in Chicago may be able to negotiate a better settlement.

Avoiding Litigation

A large majority of personal injury cases are settled out of court. That’s particularly beneficial in this kind of situation, in which at least some jurors will likely believe the individual should have been wearing head protection. Even if it’s not required by law, they feel it’s common sense. In addition, the insurance company’s legal team will have plentiful statistics and research to back up the assertion that wearing a motorcycle helmet is crucial.

Details about Shea Law Group are provided on their website.

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