Bail can be posted in two ways. You can either post the cash amount upfront, or you can file a bond. A bond must be paid by a company that specializes in posting bail bonds, and a bondsman must serve as a guarantor. A contract of indemnity is created between the...
Bail Bonds
What Do Defendants Do To Get Bail Bonds In Hurst, TX
In Texas, bonding agents can visit criminal defendants in the county jail. The defendants submit requests to talk to the agents through the correctional officers. Defendants can't access their personal effects until they are released, and they need a representative to...
An Online Search for Silver Spring, MD Bail Bonds Returns Many Company Names to Choose from
When it comes to posting bail, many people find it very difficult to do so on their own. Fortunately, 1st Class Bail Bonds is only one of the many companies that offer such services to those that need help. Below are different reasons why hiring a bail bondsman to...
Gaining Release Through Bail Bonds in Grapevine TX May Help Defendants Avoid Pleading Guilty
People who have been convicted of a felony or pleaded guilty to the crime in a plea bargain give up some of their voting rights in many states, including Texas. In that state, they cannot legally vote while in prison or during their term of parole or probation. This...
How Professional Bail Bonds in Fort Worth TX Relieve Stress
When a loved one or someone special gets arrested and goes to jail, everyone feels anxious about the situation. The first reaction is to help the person get out of jail until the court date. Discover how professional to help relieve stress during this challenging...