Do I Qualify for Workers’ Compensation if the Incident Is My Fault?

by | Jul 20, 2021 | exhibitlegal

If you’ve recently been in an accident, you’re probably wondering about workers’ compensation benefits and whether you’re entitled to them. The short answer to the question is yes. Most employees are entitled to receive these benefits, even if the incident was partially their fault. These are some tips regarding your workers’ compensation claim:

Let Your Supervisor Know ASAP
The first thing you need to do is let your supervisor know of your injury. The faster you tell your supervisor, the faster he can do what he needs to do on his end. He may need to fill out paperwork so that you can start the claims process. Remember to give as much detail as possible about how the incident started.

Visit a Doctor Right Away
You will need to see a doctor at some point if you file for workers’ compensation. Don’t worry. Go see the doctor so that he or she can write a full report about the incident and document your diagnosis and treatment plan. Your employer will need to have a return-to-work date so that they know when you can come back to the job. You can use the doctor your employer refers, or you can choose your own doctor. Both decisions are fair.

Contact an Attorney
Finally, it’s important that you consult with workers compensation lawyers in New Lenox. These specialists can review your case to see if it’s a regular workers’ compensation case or if it should be a personal injury case. Workers’ compensation lawyers in New Lenox can help protect your rights if the insurance provider denies your case, as well. Contact Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell, P.C. for representation in your workers compensation case.

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