When you are injured in an automobile accident, the last thing you have time for is to focus on arguing with the insurance company to repair the vehicle or to pay the medical bills. A personal injury lawyer will explain car accident injury law in Burley, ID to the victim and help them through the difficult process of receiving the financial settlement they need. A victim deserves to have someone on their side and fighting for their rights.
Obtaining legal advice early in the process will help to reduce the chance of a victim doing something that could severely affect their case. The victim should never let the insurance company record their telephone call because they will try to trick the victim into saying things the insurance company will use against them later.
Paying for Legal Representation
The last thing an automobile accident victim needs is more stress with a legal bill. A personal injury lawyer who specializes in car accident injury law in Burley, ID will provide the victim with the information they need during a free consultation. If the case is worth pursuing after a careful discussion between a victim and the attorney, the victim will never have to pay the attorney any money out of their pocket. The only way the attorney is paid is if they win money on behalf of the victim.
Various Types of Accidents
If every accident were identical in facts, an individual would never have to hire an attorney. A personal injury lawyer will represent individuals in a truck accident, rear-end collision, motorcycle accident, hit and run, uninsured persons, and alcohol-related crashes. Accidents involving serious injuries can result in a lifetime of medical care and even death.
Wrongful Death
When an individual passes away because of the injuries they received, a personal injury claim can be turned into a wrongful death claim by surviving family members. If the individual financially supported other individual’s like a wife or child, the surviving family members could receive compensation for their loss.
If you were involved in an accident or lost a loved one because of someone else’s negligence, please feel free to make an appointment to discuss the case. You will feel confident your case will be handled with the utmost care.