Hiring Injury Attorneys in Tucson, AZ for an Animal Bite

by | Aug 24, 2018 | Attorneys

Close to five million people a year are attacked by animals, such as cats, dogs, and bears, and many of the first two are pets. When pets attack other people, the injured person may pursue a personal injury lawsuit against the owner of the pet, intending to be awarded damages for injuries sustained. Injury attorneys in Tucson, AZ help clients who have been bitten by animals fight their cause and claim in court. Here are some things that clients may want to know about the law when pursuing personal injury cases because of animal bites.

Fighting Animal Bite Injuries in Arizona

When a person is going to file a personal injury lawsuit for an animal bite or any other personal injury, the lawsuit must be filed within two years of the date of the animal bite or accident. In seeking damages in such a case, it will have to be proven that the animal attacked the person and that the person was not provoking the animal at the time. Of course, it may come up from the pet owner that the dog, cat or other pet was antagonized by the bitten person.

More about Animal Bite Injuries in Arizona

Whether the animal was aggravated or not, the owner still is responsible for the personal injury, and thus the bitten victim will stand a good chance of winning the lawsuit. As far as the amount to be collected in damages, Arizona has no cap on damages awarded, which makes it likely that the victim will be fairly compensated for the animal bite and the medical bills that ensued. The bitten person needs to hire a good lawyer to be in a better place to win.

Hiring a Lawyer in Arizona for Animal Bites

Because there are so many types of wildlife and other animals that will bite in Arizona, many lawyers are available to represent those clients who have been bitten. Price and Price Law is a law firm that represents clients who are wanting to pursue an animal bite lawsuit. If there are any in search of Injury attorneys in Tucson AZ, the law firm is available. Get more information at the website, .

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