Every time a person gets involved in an automobile accident, chances are that someone will end up hurt. Sometimes, it might be a minor scratch. Other times, it could be an injury that is more serious or even life threatening. When that happens, the injured party might lose time at work and mount up some hospital bills. Therefore, they should seek recourse other than the automobile insurance company. There may be a lawsuit filed. There is an auto accident attorney in Olympia, WA who represents clients who have been injured in a car accident. These are some things the clients should know.
When a person suffers a personal injury due to an automobile accident and wants to sue, they should know the statute of limitations on filing actions after accidents and other personal injuries in Washington. The state of Washington gives a person three years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit in a Washington civil court. Failure to do so will cause the case to be denied. The injured party will not be able to collect damages from the case.
Washington also employs the comparative fault rule in these civil lawsuit cases. This means that if the injured party can be found to be partially responsible for the auto accident, any amount of damages received will be reduced by the percentage they are found to be at fault. The defendant’s side, in this case, will do everything possible to make this rule stick. Thus, the injured party should be sure all of their claims are in order. Hiring an experienced attorney could take care of this.
Putnam Lieb Potvin are attorneys who have been representing the legal interests of clients in Olympia, Lacey, and Tumwater, Washington, as well as the surrounding areas for over 36 years. They handle all sorts of cases related to personal injuries. In addition, they also represent clients in workers’ compensation cases, work accidents, and wrongful deaths. If anyone is looking for an auto accident attorney in Olympia, WA, they are available. Visit Putnam Lieb Potvin Attorneys at their website.